Join the Shul on the Beach Purim Basket Program
Thu, Mar 14
|You will receive the basket at your home.
Sign up to be a part of the Purim Basket Program. We need your address so we can send you a basket.

Time & Location
Mar 14, 2019, 11:40 AM – 12:00 PM
You will receive the basket at your home.
About the event
The Talmud records rabbis who could not afford to send Shalach Manos, so they traded meals instead. This story reveals something fundamental about this beloved Mitzvah and perhaps about the very theme of the Purim holiday. It’s not so much about what we give as much as THAT we give! This mitzvah is not about the actual treats in the basket but rather the FACT that we are reaching out and connecting to our friends, family, and community. We expand the borders of our hearts when we perform this beautiful practice of giving Mishloach Manot, or Shalach Manos.
Please sign up for the Shalach Manos Program
In this spirit, I urge you to join with the Shul on the Beach in our annual Purim Mishloach Manot Drive, which gives each one of us the opportunity to acknowledge and embrace each other as part of a larger community. Giving Shalach Manos through the Shul on the Beach supports the Shul and the programs that are yielding extraordinary results, week in and week out.
Here is how it works:
A Purim gift basket is delivered to everyone on the list. A note is included with each basket that includes the names of all the people that are sponsoring the basket to that particular person. If you register, you are saying you want to be a part of the program. On Sunday, March 10, you will be emailed a form with all the people who have signed up and you select whose baskets you want to co-sponsor. Then on or about Purim you will receive your basket with a list of all those who wanted to co-sponsor your basket.
Here’s what it costs
If you want to recognize one person, the donation is $18, five names for $60, $6 a peice after that, If you want to recognize everyone on the list, the donation is $380. On Purim day, we hand deliver most of the baskets that are on the west side. We will ship hopefully to arrive on Purim the others that are in the United States. Outside the United States we will email/mail the list of cosponsors only.