Rabbi Shalom Rubanowitz brings a unique blend of Los Angeles and Israeli Jewish influence to his rabbinics. He spent a number of years as a child and teen studying in the holy cities of Tzefat and Jerusalem and was an active member of the Religious Zionist movement “Bnai-Akiva”.
As a young man, he learned at the yeshivas of Mishkan Hatorah, Jerusalem headed by Harav Moshe Shapiro, Za”l, in Ner Israel, Baltimore, Md, as a Talmid of Harav Yaakov Moshe Kulefsky, Za”l, and enjoyed four years of advanced learning at Beth Medrash Govoha, known as the ”Lakewood” Yeshiva, in New Jersey, where he earned his Rabbinic Ordination (Semicha) from each of Lakewood’s four Illustrious leaders: Rabbi Malkiel Kotler, Rabbi Yisroel Neuman, Rabbi Dovid Shustal and Rabbi Yerucham Olshin.
During his time in Lakewood, Rabbi Rubanowitz took on Jewish outreach as one of the original “Partners in Torah” led by Rabbi Eli Gewirtz, and lectured at student-run study groups at Princeton University. Rabbi Rubanowitz currently holds additional Ordination from the great Rav Zalman Nechemia Goldberg, certifying him in the areas of Jewish Marriage and Family Law.
To complement his diverse and deep religious studies, Shalom completed law school and went on to gain bar admissions in 14 states. He has worked as a “lawyer-pulpit Rabbi” for over 20 years, engaging and inspiring the Jewish community.
He took on rabbinic leadership at Shul on the Beach in 2015. His enthusiastic presence has helped solidify the Friday Night Shabbat Dinner Experience meals, and he has been instrumental in jumpstarting the Shabbat Lounge Event for young professionals.
Rabbi Rubanowitz invites you to join the Venice Community at
Shul on the Beach for Shabbat, and experience the unique warmth and energy of this historic gem of Jewish Los Angeles. If you have any questions for the Rabbi please use the "Chat with the Rabbi" in the bottom right of your screen.